Fuck NFTs / / Physical Prints

General Drop #1


f***nfts / / Limited edition prints

< new piece every time it’s sold >

+ Letter of certification with every one-off print +

^ I have nothing against NFTs but I’m taking it back to physical rarity ^





I’m a dopamine slut

I’ll do whatever it tells me; go wherever it leads me

We all are in some way

We find what pulls our trigger and follow that path where it leads

Love, relaxation, knowledge, acceptance, etc.

Inherently selfish, we have the most powerful brains

But we’re still just animals that think we’re Gods



~ every journey begins with a single step ~ 

i give you my window... here I am

I rush from my own mind, through a ravenous finger

Attempting to bring motion to a moment

Inevitably disappointed

Everything is wrong

Why do something I'm bad at?

Why not?

Lil Baby does...



~ i know who i am ~

you know who you are

My understanding of self is merely the collection of infinite perceptions

I can only try to understand what I can see, feel, touch, hear, taste, or smell

And even within that finite list, I'm tricked by my own chemical reactions

My world is real to me and only me, yours to you

We can share knowledge to try and understand each other

But not on Facebook, nobody talks

Everybody fights and digs deeper into their own ideas



~smoke works its way so deep into cloth ~

it isn’t even noticed, by the smoker...

Fear of disappointment was my motivation, anxiety ruled,

Newly freed adventurous child, in search of new experiences,

Once a month with friends for fun, turned to

Augmenting perception of reality to replace stimulation,

Each time, it felt more normal,

My friends smoked, so I thought it normal, but

Might we be friends just because we smoked together?


home / preserved

~the wildest problem with computers is their perfection ~

then  we program them to be perfect at being imperfect

One beauty of creation is that as the creator converts their inspiration into form

Their relationship and perspective on that inspiration changes

What started as an ode to the shades of green that remind me of home and simpler days,

Became a representation of nostalgia, not only because of that inspiration

But a representation of the format on which I always used to look fondly back on childhood memories


desintegrating halftone

~ one who does what they love ~

doesn’t work a day in their life… but

Their life is now the art, skill, trade, etc.

They are no longer are separate entities,

Life and creativity reach into each other equally,

I came because it was fun,

But I’ve stayed so long that 

I don’t have any hobbies anymore...

My work and sex are my main pleasures



~ normal is hard to find~

i feel like most of my life i’m just trying to settle

I feel like I’m constantly in a restless form trying to find a settling point,

Like sand working its way

To the lowest point in its journey...

It’s almost as if I feel like

Since I have energy now, I need to swim

So later I can float down to my settling place

I hope it’s nice